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To sum up, in this topic I have dealt with the concept of communication, the 2 forms of communication : (verbal and non-verbal) and I have focused on how to deal with the Foreign Language in the English class in order to use it as a means of communication but the teacher-Student and among the Students in the English class.

In the 2nd part I have concentrated on the use of some Extralinguistic strategies in the English (classroom such as: TPR techniques, Action songs and drama game)

I would say that as our National syllabus for Foreign Language has adopted the communicative. Approach, the target language should be the language of communication. And interaction in the English class.

On the other hand, we must acknowledge the relevance of strategies in the language-learning process. So, we should help students acquire a strategy that may help them learn to communicate in the target language. These extralingüistic devices reveal the Students' adjustment to the communicative situation.

Though we may not wish to use a TPR methodology with all its implications, the contributions it makes to the teaching-learning process as part of our methodological plan in an eclectic approach can be valuable.

As teachers we will be aware that elements such as furniture, space, decorations and so on can help or hinder communication. There will be occasions when we will want to re-arrange desks, chairs, decorations, posters or other objects, so that they can help in a communicative process. For example, if we are perfoming a play we can set up various objects so that the children fell contextualized. For instance, in a play about Goldilocks and the Three Bears we could put a table in the centre of the classroom with three different-size chairs beside it. This extralinguistic elements help children, who can use them as aids in communication.

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La comunicacion en la clase de lengua extranjera: comunicacion verbal y no verbal. Estrategias extralinguisticas: reacciones no verbales a mensajes en diferentes contextos

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