
As a conclusion, I would say that since/as our National Syllabus for FL has adopted the communicative approach, it is quite obvious that the target language, English in our case, should be the language of communication and interaction in English class. This refers to communication and interaction between teacher-students and between and among students. And on the other hand we must also acknowledge (reconocer) the importance of strategies in the language-learning process, and consequently we should help students acquire and put into practice any strategies that may help them learn the target language, English

1 comentarios:

Gloria Rodríguez Rosado dijo...

Hola Gema,

En tu blog, respondes a los epígrafes del tema 2 del temario de oposiciones de ingles del cuerpo de maestros. ¿Tienes más entradas en otros blogs con los contenidos de otros temas? Me gustaría hacer mi propio temario cogiendo de aqui y de allá... Muchas gracias.

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La comunicacion en la clase de lengua extranjera: comunicacion verbal y no verbal. Estrategias extralinguisticas: reacciones no verbales a mensajes en diferentes contextos

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